Choosing the perfect Bridesmaid Dress to suit all of your bridesmaids !!

As we all know bridesmaids come in all shapes and sizes, so choosing the perfect bridesmaid dress for your bridal party can be very tricky. To avoid starting a style war with your bridesmaids follow these useful tips below:
Bridesmaid shopping can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. A lot of us imagine going dress shopping with your friends/ family to find the perfect bridesmaid dress will be a fun day out but in reality it is a complete different experience. If you have over 2 bridesmaid the chances of them choosing the same dress, style, colour, and fabric are very rare, so be prepared for a style standoff!!
Now that we have got you prepared for the reality of bridesmaid shopping we are going to show you how to turn the situation around by offering you some practical advice. Shopping with your bridesmaids can be a wonderful experience, you just have to go about it in the right way!!

1. Set the Budget

Before you go dress shopping sit down with your bridesmaids and discuss who will be paying for the dresses. A lot of brides pay for the bridesmaid’s dresses but on some occasions the bridesmaids will pay for their own dresses to help take a little stress from the bride. It is a matter of personal opinion.
Whether the bride or bridesmaids are paying for the dresses it is very important to set a budget, that way you are all on the same page while choosing which dresses you like. Once you know what sort of budget you have to work with it will be a lot easier to narrow down the selection of dresses that are within budget.

2. Choose a Style

Sometimes it may seem it is impossible to choose a style to suit all of your bridesmaids, as we all know not everyone has the same body shape and different styles suit different people. Of course you want your bridesmaids to look gorgeous on your big day but don’t want them to outshine you and the best way to do this is to put them in dresses that compliment yours.
Allow your bridesmaids to choose a style that they would like to wear, you don’t have to go with the style your bridesmaids choose, but it is a good way of getting an idea of what each of your bridesmaids have in mind for their dresses, after all you don’t want to fall out with any of them, if you’re lucky they will all pick the same style.
You don’t always have to take the one style fits all approach because this is not necessarily true. Pick one unifying element such as style, colour, or fabric. By picking a unifying element you can be sure that your bridesmaids will look perfectly co-ordinated whatever their shapes or size.
To avoid your bridesmaids looking mismatched, it is a good idea to choose the same hemline for each of your them but allowing for different necklines to suit different shapes. This can really create a consistency and sense of style for your wedding party while still allowing your bridesmaids to feel comfortable. For brides that have plus size bridesmaids and are finding it hard to find the sizes in the dress you have in mind, here at Obsession Bridal you can have a dress custom made to different sizes, colours and lengths.

3. Pick a colour

It is important that you try to choose a colour that will compliment your wedding dress while also flattering your bridesmaid’s skin tone and hair colour. This is a lot trickier than it sounds as everyone has different complexions and different colours suit different people.
Rather than having one colour for all of your maids how about trying different colours that complement each other, such as pastel colours (lemon, baby pink, mint and lilac) or choose one colour and allow your maids to choose different shades of that colour such as pale blue ranging up to royal blue. Put all your bridesmaid together in different shades of one colour and it will look fabulous.  If you decide to choose one colour in the same shade for all of your bridesmaids, make sure you choose a colour that compliments your theme. No matter what colour you decide to go with the main thing is that the bride is happy. Here at Obsession Bridal we also sell mens ties and bow ties to match the colour of our bridesmaid dresses.

Whether you choose to buy your bridesmaid dresses from a store or online, it is always important to talk to your bridesmaids before making any decisions. If you have good communication you will have a great shopping experience. Pinterest is a great place to get ideas of how to co-ordinate different styles and colour so it would be a great idea for you and your bridesmaids to create an account and pin the styles and colours you like, that way you can check each other’s pins and it will help each of you understand what you have in mind. I hope this post helped you make some decisions, if you have any questions contact us at

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